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John S
February 02, 2025, 01:14:30 PM by John S
Views: 223 | Comments: 4

Newey seems worried that attracting & retaining the best brains in F1 may be much harder now cost cap is biting causing lack of top salaries for smartest talents.

It's fine & dandy trying to close the grid up, with what is now looking like an overly repressive cost cap, however the market decides in the employment market what top engineers and tech wizards are worth. Can't be the fault of graduates if they see better remuneration & prospects in other fields.

Maybe it's time to urgently have a second look at size of F1 cost cap, particularly in respect of workers salaries. Liberty's Golden Goose may disappear faster than teams like Coloni, Forti and Pacific - to name just a few F1 dreamers - if slide in top talent accelerates.  :D
John S
February 01, 2025, 04:15:33 PM by John S
Views: 342 | Comments: 6

This unconfirmed report seems to make the most sense for the off Lewis had in testing on Weds.
Guess he'll have to learn fast to adjust as Ferrari unlikely to ditch Brembo.  :D

Lewis has history of feeling out of sorts with braking systems other than Carbone Industrie. In 2013 at Chinese GP Lewis famously took a swipe at Brembo braking system on Merc cars as he was having all kinds of problems on track.
Just for reference Nico enjoyed & coped well with Brembo equipment on the same Merc in China.,196916.html
John S
February 01, 2025, 03:44:11 PM by John S
Views: 179 | Comments: 0

It's 12 hours of Bathurst weekend and Ickx is in town to honour racing Legend Allan Moffat with donation of winning trophies, including from the pairs 1977 Bathurst 1000 win in a Ford Falcon, to National motor Racing museum.

Hope everyone in Southern Hemisphere is enjoying this Bathurst weekend.
John S
January 31, 2025, 05:03:00 PM by John S
Views: 230 | Comments: 2

Apparently the FIA are going to be tougher on the flexing of front wings in 25 - Ah!, but not til a third of the way through 25 season at end of May in Spain.  :swoon:

Will we have to wait all that time to see who, if anyone, gets hampered by this new test regime?
Well yes!  |-(

Anyone care to propose any guesses about which team/s may see a drop in performance in Spain?
- Or do we suppose they all might have flexi wings for first 8 races of season.  :D

January 21, 2025, 06:07:01 PM by Jericoke
Views: 531 | Comments: 3

First, I know how drivers/teams etc look isn't important, it's about on track results (and overall sportsmanship).  But DAMN did Hamilton look good on his first day at Maranello.  I want him showing up to every race dressed like Enzo.  Even if he crashes out of 24 consecutive Q1s, he's elevated the sport.  Yes, I'm being shallow right now, and I don't even care.

Second, it seems that Hamilton has reunited with Angela Cullen.  I believe that she has been as key to his success as anyone in F1.  She very much helped make sure he was physically ready for each and every race weekend.  Being physically ready is a foundation for being mentally ready, which I'm sure she helped with too.

We see a ton of videos of F1 drivers training (especially neck stretches and hand eye coordination games), but Cullen really took a whole body approach to ensuring that Hamilton was in tip top shape for a sport that taxes the entire body.  I'm sure most, if not all, drivers follow the ideas and techniques she's set out, but in terms of non driver contributors to F1, she's up there with Adrian Newey and Colin Chapman as far as I'm concerned.
John S
January 21, 2025, 04:14:07 PM by John S
Views: 489 | Comments: 3

This will be good news for Cossie as he's always championed the US led team.

Reckon Gene Haas retirement plan has now come to fruition, he can cash in for mega bucks when he's ready to give up the machine tool day job - and F1.  :D
January 10, 2025, 06:35:17 PM by lkjohnson1950
Views: 852 | Comments: 5

F1 has announced that after 2027 the Belgian GP at Spa will only be held every other year. In addition the 2026 schedule has 3 races competing for 2 open spots. Imola. Vegas and Mexico City are not officially in and only 2 spots are unconfirmed.
John S
January 03, 2025, 02:52:03 PM by John S
Views: 1043 | Comments: 12

In the article below we see that Macca completed all but 7 racing laps for the whole F1 24 campaign. :swoon: 
That's nearly 80 more than 2nd placed Ferrari.

The 7 laps short of 100% all came from Accident damage when Lando & Max had a shunt at the Austrian GP. So was it superior speed or better reliability that really won out?  :DntKnw:

With such a good reliability record it's more surprising that Ferrari ran them so close. Think this bodes extremely well for Ferrari in 25 - if they can up their reliability of course.  :D

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