F1 History


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[1] James Hunt's Hesketh at Monaco in historic race

[2] A famous F1 6 wheeler that never took the track in Anger

[3] Remembering Murray Walker in what would be his 100th year

[4] F1 Engine Sounds through the Ages (V12 V10 V8 V6)

[5] How Kimi almost bankrupted Lotus & his other F1 tales

[6] The famous 1967 Lotus 49 an F1 car ahead of it's time

[7] Tyrell F1 team's original woodshed home going to Goodwood

[8] Gerhard Berger F1 prank had Eddie Jordan tripping the light fantastic - almost

[9] Especially for Ian: Hill's first F1 Drivers championship & BRM's too.


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