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Author Topic: You started it!, No I didn't..........  (Read 4132 times)

Offline Wizzo

You started it!, No I didn't..........
« on: March 21, 2006, 05:04:05 PM »
Raikkonen has placed the blame squarely at Klien for his first lap demise in the Malaysian Grand Prix.

After negotiating the tight first two corners Raikkonen was hit from behind by Klien's Red Bull coming in the braking zone for the turn four. Raikkonen proceeded to accelerate out of the corner but his rear suspension had already been damaged, breaking up under load and pitching the McLaren-Mercedes into the barriers.

Although the incident happened outside of camera shot, Raikkonen was adamant that the Austrian was at fault. "I am very disappointed because I had a great car set-up and very good race strategy. I think it was fairly obvious that Christian Klien made a pretty fundamental mistake and ran into the back of me at turn four, breaking my rear suspension in the process."

Klien hit back by saying that Raikkonen did not give him enough room and forced him to clip his rear. "I was in a good place, then in Turn four there were three cars, me and the two McLaren, going into it. I was right on the inside, already over the kerbs. I couldn't go further to the right and mine and Kimi's cars touched."  ::)

Boys, boys, this is what makes F1 so interesting. You can be the fastest man on earth in the fastest car but that doesn't mean your going to make it to the end of the first lap.

Incidents like this are part and parcel of all race meets, not just F1. I'd put it down to experience and prepare yourself for Australia.  :good:

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