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Football at Silverstone??????

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Silverstone is set to host one of the biggest crowds, anywhere in the world, for England’s opening game of the football World Cup this summer. The announcement follows confirmation from circuit bosses that England’s match against Paraguay, taking place on the same day as qualifying for the 2006 FORMULA 1™ Foster’s British Grand Prix (Saturday 10 June 2006), will now be shown ‘live’ on three giant screens located around the outside of the track.

Up to 65,000 fans are expected to head to Silverstone for qualifying on the Saturday (equalling attendance for the Saturday of the 2005 British Grand Prix) and, in addition to cheering British drivers Jenson Button and David Coulthard on through a dramatic hour of exciting, shoot-out style qualifying, they will also have an opportunity to roar the England football team on to success in what should be an incredible atmosphere.

will they be playing footie in f1 cars like polo without the ponys  :D

It might be like one of those Top Gear footie matches but with F1 cars.  :swoon:

that would be good to watch especially with f1 cars


--- Quote from: GPWizard on March 31, 2006, 04:34:28 PM ---It might be like one of those Top Gear footie matches but with F1 cars.  :swoon:

--- End quote ---

Don't think I'd want to hit that big ball in an open cockpit car. I'm dain bramaged enough! :confused:


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