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Author Topic: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix  (Read 12536 times)

Offline BraydenSoh

2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« on: September 21, 2015, 06:32:51 PM »
After praying for 7 years, it finally happened! Although it didn't happen quite the way I expected but I finally got to attend my 1st F1 Grand Prix, in my own country no less!

When I first heard the cars, I gotta admit the engine was rather disappointing as compared to what I heard near the circuit a few years back. It was made better when the cars started to zoom pass by my area. With the floodlights shining down on the cars, there is a special glow to the car that you will never be able to enjoy in a day race. Still hoping that they would bring back the V8s and pit refueling though.

Didn't spot many Singaporeans over there and I really hope more of them would be part of this wonderful experience! Glad that Ferrari have finally found their pace and even more grateful that Kimi Raikkonen is back on the podium!

Hopefully I will be part of this race again next year and maybe take some pictures to show them off!   :yahoo:  :good:

Signing Off,
Lon :tease:
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 06:36:43 PM by BraydenSoh »

'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.' - Mahatma Gandhi

Offline Alianora La Canta

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 07:40:49 PM »
Glad you enjoyed your first taste of F1 in person enough to do it again :D Not sure why Singaporeans aren't flocking to the race, though the ones I know are very much in favour of the race.
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Offline cosworth151

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2015, 07:54:54 PM »
I'm so glad to hear that you made it, Lon! there really is nothing like being there.  :yahoo:   Did you get to go for quali & practice. too?
“You can search the world over for the finer things, but you won't find a match for the American road and the creatures that live on it.”
― Bob Dylan

Offline Scott

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2015, 09:44:15 PM »
It was fun to have you live on chat as well Lon!  Thanks for swinging on by.
The Honey Badger doesn't give a...

Offline Dare

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2015, 01:17:09 AM »
It was fun to have you live on chat as well Lon!  Thanks for swinging on by.

Mark Twain once opined, "it's easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."

Offline BraydenSoh

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2015, 07:05:30 AM »
Glad you enjoyed your first taste of F1 in person enough to do it again :D Not sure why Singaporeans aren't flocking to the race, though the ones I know are very much in favour of the race.

According to my friends, it doesn't make sense to pay hundreds over dollars just to see a car for a few second each lap.  :fool:

I'm so glad to hear that you made it, Lon! there really is nothing like being there.  :yahoo:   Did you get to go for quali & practice. too?

I was there working so I was lucky for there for every session! Missed quite a few parts of the race though.  :(

@Scott and Dare
Always enjoyed myself in the chatroom during Race Day!  :yahoo: :tease:
'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.' - Mahatma Gandhi

Offline Andy B

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2015, 10:33:57 PM »
Being old enough to have heard many different engines from V12's to V10's the current turbo's are poor in noise even to the earlier 1.2 litre era so I'm not surprised you didn't enjoy that part. F1 races are a spectacle and each one is different I currently deciding which one maybe possible to attend next year, you see I'm even old enough to be able to spend on the GP's rather that mortgages or children!  ;)
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!

Offline F1fanaticBD

Re: 2015 Singapore Grand Prix
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2015, 02:43:01 PM »
It was pretty cool for me to say in my office that one of my friend is giving me live feedback  :good:

I am so happy for you that finally the dream came true, I am sure you will make it to many more :yahoo: :yahoo:

Keep running the fast cars, you will be never out of girls


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