GPWizard > Introductions

Birthday for Scott

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:yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCOTT!!!!  :yahoo:  :yahoo:  :yahoo:
I hope it's a good'un!  :good:

Cheers guys.  Long weekends are no fun, so today wasn't great, but got to go out to dinner with the family at the end, so that part was great. 

Got a sweatshirt that says "I don't need therapy, I just need to go back to CANADA".  Love it! 

Too bad I missed chat, I bet there was plenty of discussion after that first lap.  I finally got to see the race last night at 9pm, and managed to not look at my phone or iPad until then, so the first lap was a complete surprise.

Thanks for the wishes guys.

Hey Scott, Happy Birthday me old track mate, hope you're having a good'un.  :good:

Happy Birthday Scotty my dear friend. :yahoo: :yahoo: Sorry for being a bit late, but better than never  ;)


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