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Author Topic: A good barber  (Read 3107 times)

Offline Scott

A good barber
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:06:24 AM »
Ok, I know some of you guys remember the real fact I have some memories of going to an old time barber with my Dad and hanging out while he had his cut done, but these guys take it to the next level. 

There was a Torontonian named Brian who did a Barber apprenticeship in Ireland in his 30's and then came back to Toronto to look for a good location to open his dream shop. 

Jump back to the 40's when the original Night Owl Barber Shop was opened by a recent war immigrant to Canada.  It ran for almost 60 years and finally closed its doors as the last of the old time Barbers finally left the shop.  The owner of the building had a bug in him about the shop and refused to renovate it or rent it out to any other business, so it actually remained shuttered for a decade in a vibrant shopping area in western Toronto.  The shop was abandoned as is, with the original chairs, sinks, furniture and decoration. 

Finally Brian and the building's owner found each other and the Night Owl re-opened a couple of years ago after a ton of cleaning and restoration work in almost exactly the same configuration as it was originally.  They even found boxes of magazines in a back storage room that they rotate on the coffee table by the old couch for people to read while they wait (they had a guy come in and offer thousands of dollars for the magazines which were in near mint condition - but they refused because the magazines were an integral part of the shop). 

Anyhow, just a bit of fun...I have a wet shave and cut booked for next Friday when I will be in Toronto visiting family.  This will be my second's becoming a bit of a pilgrimage for me when I go to Toronto. 

Check out the gallery section as well...Brian is the guy with the handlebar moustache.   
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 08:13:49 AM by Scott »

The Honey Badger doesn't give a...

Offline cosworth151

Re: A good barber
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 12:26:20 PM »
It does look like a larger version of the one my Dad used to take me with him to in the late 50's - early 60's. It was a one barber / one chair place. I was still small enough that he had to use a booster seat for me.
“You can search the world over for the finer things, but you won't find a match for the American road and the creatures that live on it.”
― Bob Dylan


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