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Author Topic: Movie Review: 6 Underground (Netflix)  (Read 8114 times)

Offline Jericoke

Movie Review: 6 Underground (Netflix)
« on: January 15, 2020, 03:03:51 PM »
This is a very easy movie to review.  It's basically a Fast and Furious movie crossed with Deadpool.  If that sounds good, you'll love this movie.  If that makes you say 'why?', then you won't.

Ryan Reynolds plays a wise cracking leader of a team of idealists out to save the world from itself.  Members of the team are identified by number, instead of name, so they don't get too attached.  The premise of the movie is to overthrow a middle eastern dictator, but it's mostly an excuse for Michael Bay to create a series of car chases, gun fights and super slow motion gore.  (Seriously, pretty much any injury you can think of, Michael Bay is going to show you in R rated detail).  The chases, fights and gore are all top notch fun.  (Again, if you like that.  If not... well, there's nothing else for you)

As an F1 fan, there is a scene that features Yas Marina.  Oddly enough, they say they're in Las Vegas.  I know that looking for logic in a movie like this is a fool's errand, but as an F1 fan, it's weird when half the movie is in the middle east anyway, why pretend you're in Las Vegas when I can clearly see Ferrari World in the background?  Las Vegas has its own landmarks, and its own race track.

Offline cosworth151

Re: Movie Review: 6 Underground (Netflix)
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2020, 02:50:22 PM »
Probably because everybody knows what Las Vegas is. About the only people who have heard of Yas Marina are F1 fans & the people who live there.  ;)
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― Bob Dylan


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