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Live Screening of F1 Races on 3m x 5m Screen!
Hi All
I’m posting this on behalf of GhostBikes and The Destination Café in Preston, Lancashire. We’ve had a couple of F1 fans express interest in us possibly screening live F1 Races at our café as we have a large 3M x 5M screen which we use for showcasing mainly Motorcycle related content.
We are reaching out to see whether there would be an interest in the F1 Community for this. The café can seat around 100 people which when filled with likeminded fans will make for a great atmosphere.
We would open the café especially for the event if the races are shown outside of our normal hours and ideally would want to have this as a pre-booked event that is catered for. We'd look to do like a meal deal and would keep the pricing low.
For example the first race is around 5am UK time so we could do a breakfast deal and open the cafe up especially for the event.
Please let us know if this would be of interest. I've asked permission from the site admin Wizzo before posting this, which he has authorised :yahoo:
Click the link for a 360 tour of our cafe area to give you an idea of the screen size and seating https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x487b733ea9c64f53%3A0xfaf8a713661549da!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP3gJLldgMBLnVPCfSWP_a5_rL0TsXp4OUXGkuZ%3Dw240-h160-k-no!5sthe%20destination%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAESAggI&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMdMlXjc9DXbPyWbL_8wm0HTJ0P0gac_NUkPYIL&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4y7_IoeDnAhWiuXEKHU2hDfUQoiowG3oECA8QBg
Kindest Regards
Naz - on behalf of GhostBikes / The Destination
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