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Author Topic: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion  (Read 7452 times)

Offline lkjohnson1950

Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« on: October 27, 2021, 02:10:11 AM »
News that Hertz will purchase 100,000 Tesla cars, and that the Tesla Model 3 is the #1 selling car in Europe sent shares of Tesla over $1000 and raised it's market value to 1 trillion dollars. Have we reached the Dawn of the Electric Age?


Offline Jericoke

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2021, 02:34:32 PM »
Stock market is crazy.

Tesla makes about 100k Model 3 per quarter... so either they're upping production, or it's about to get very hard to buy one.

I would assume that Hertz is buying at fleet rates, so the profit per car is going to be much slimmer, assuming they're delivered at all.

This would be good news for Tesla if they had huge stock/capacity of unsold cars, but selling 1/4  of your production luxury cars at a discount?

I think Hertz is the winner here though.  Electric cars fit the rental market, they're usually used for in city driving, and the auto pilot features will help keep the cars protected, the rental locations can use their own infrastructure to charge cars.  And their name is looking synonymous with Tesla, which is a trillion dollar company.  There's no one else who can match the deal... there aren't enough Teslas to go 'round!

Offline John S

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2021, 02:43:57 PM »
Hard to see how the market can believe Tesla is trillion dollar company when it's still massively behind in sales to the other big players in the automotive sector and only took the top spot in Europe for Sept due to lack of deliveries from most other companies due to chip shortages.

Model 3 sold just 24,591 out of a total delivery of 964,800 units in Euro auto market, and that total fell 25% on previous year.
With just 2.5% of the total market for model 3 it's mainly smoke and mirrors methinks.

This is how Auto industry news site views the Tesla acheivement of No 1 spot:-
The Tesla Model 3 finally wears the crown coveted by manufacturers, since Elon Musk’s electric sedan sold out at 24,591 copies, against 18,264 units for the most famous French woman, the Renault Clio.

Data from Jato Dynamics shows that sales of the Tesla Model 3 have increased compared to September 2020. They are up 58%, while the Clio saw sales decline by 23%. In third position, we find the Dacia Sandero followed by the Golf and the Fiat 500.

The Tesla Model 3 can savor its success, at a time when new car registrations fell 25% to 964,800 units in September 2021 in particular because of the shortage of chips which paralyzes the automobile industry. “Dealers continue to experience issues with the availability of new cars due to the chip shortage. As a result, not wanting to wait more than a year for a new car, many consumers have turned to the car market. second hand”, commented Felipe Munoz, Global Analyst at JATO Dynamics.

Notice Hertz news release states completion of purchase by end of 22, now is that the final delivery date or the last order tranche?  :confused:
To me this smacks of a PR stunt ahead of the UN COP26 world environmental conference next week. Musk has always been cute at playing the Stock Markets at their own game.
Racing is Life - everything else is just....waiting. (Steve McQueen)

Offline Warmwater

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2021, 06:50:35 PM »
Electric vehicles are the future.
Internal combustion engines are noisy, shaky, smelly, inefficient dinosaurs needing frequent expensive maintenance and require an elaborate transmission just to operate satisfactorily.
I do not like to blow my own horn, but I do have some knowledge of the subject, having owned over 100 i.c.e. vehicles, and one custom-built electric car. I also worked for 18 years as the Engineering Manager for a lithium battery factory. Happily, I will never have to buy another petroleum-powered vehicle, thank you Elon Musk!
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.” ― Mario Andretti.

Offline Andy B

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2021, 12:38:06 AM »
Electric vehicles are the future.
Internal combustion engines are noisy, shaky, smelly, inefficient dinosaurs needing frequent expensive maintenance and require an elaborate transmission just to operate satisfactorily.
I do not like to blow my own horn, but I do have some knowledge of the subject, having owned over 100 i.c.e. vehicles, and one custom-built electric car. I also worked for 18 years as the Engineering Manager for a lithium battery factory. Happily, I will never have to buy another petroleum-powered vehicle, thank you Elon Musk!

Hydrogen is the way to go!
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!

Offline cosworth151

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2021, 01:13:40 PM »
Remember that this value has nothing to do with reality, just Wall Street speculation. These are the same people who brought us the Tech Bubble, the Dot Com Bubble, the Real Estate Bubble and so on. Welcome to the Battery Bubble.
“You can search the world over for the finer things, but you won't find a match for the American road and the creatures that live on it.”
― Bob Dylan

Offline Warmwater

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2021, 09:50:32 PM »
The problem with hydrogen is that it is expensive to extract from, for example, H20. It is relatively easy to obtain it from natural gas, but that puts you back in the petroleum loop. The hydrogen also has to be highly compressed, a pretty dangerous operation that then requires a heavy fuel tank. Needless to say, there is no existing delivery infrastructure, safety would be a problem.
The battery company that I worked for had a hydrogen fuel cell division, Ballard Power Systems. Their target was the public transit market and they had a few buses on trial in several large North American cities. They also had testing contracts with major automobile manufacturers. I believe that they eventually went bankrupt.
I agree that hydrogen could be a perfect fuel if the problems ever get resolved.  :DntKnw:
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.” ― Mario Andretti.

Offline Andy B

Re: Tesla Market Value Surpasses 1 Trillion
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2021, 08:32:29 PM »
The problem with hydrogen is that it is expensive to extract from, for example, H20. It is relatively easy to obtain it from natural gas, but that puts you back in the petroleum loop. The hydrogen also has to be highly compressed, a pretty dangerous operation that then requires a heavy fuel tank. Needless to say, there is no existing delivery infrastructure, safety would be a problem.
The battery company that I worked for had a hydrogen fuel cell division, Ballard Power Systems. Their target was the public transit market and they had a few buses on trial in several large North American cities. They also had testing contracts with major automobile manufacturers. I believe that they eventually went bankrupt.
I agree that hydrogen could be a perfect fuel if the problems ever get resolved.  :DntKnw:

Here in NZ we have a aluminium smelter at Tewai Point which Rio Tinto are to close down around 2024 this has its own hydro power plant at Manapouri which is not part of the national grid and would cost billions to add it to the system. One investigation currently undergoing is for Tewai Point to produce Hydrogen as that process uses a lot of power as does the smelter.
It would be good for the region and NZ if it comes off.
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!


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