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Author Topic: Do rival F1 teams now understand RBR advantage in chassis design?  (Read 7428 times)

Online John S

Do rival F1 teams now understand RBR advantage in chassis design?
« on: September 05, 2023, 09:49:35 PM »
If tech article below is correct most of the teams may have known for some time the advantage Red Bull's Newey has built into the RB19 chassis.  :swoon:

Problem is no team can do anything this year, a totally new chassis design & implementation in the present season will smash the cost cap wide open.  ::)

But even for next year's cars will others be able to fully exploit the extra room/height the changed chassis sections offer for venturi tunnels & channels?  :DntKnw: :DntKnw:

Racing is Life - everything else is just....waiting. (Steve McQueen)

Offline Jericoke

Re: Do rival F1 teams now understand RBR advantage in chassis design?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 01:59:04 PM »
I understand the cost cap.

I really do.  The sport was under an existential threat of losing all but the most deeply pocketed teams.

However, now that all the teams are owned by someone with deep pockets, it's time to reevaluate the cap.  Of course, no amount of money makes up for having Adrian Newey dreaming up your car.

I'd like a tweak so that each season is distinct, like a team can't just stop developing this year's car and focus on next year's car using this years budget.  If you want to work on next year's car now, fine, but it comes out of next year's cap.

Also, I believe the cap shrinks year over year (adjusted for inflation though).  Maybe now that no team is struggling (indeed, Williams in particular is asking to spend more money) the cap can grow significantly.

And of course, enforcement of the cap needs to be much stronger.  It's meant to stop a team building an advantage, and if the team that broke the cap has an advantage... it's really not working.

Online John S

Re: Do rival F1 teams now understand RBR advantage in chassis design?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2023, 02:38:08 PM »
Jeri, I'm not sure money would've solved the gap between RBR and the rest this season, well not til over half way thru at least. It's brain power that created these chassis changes not just money.

Most of the other teams were focused on following Red Bull's 22 concept rather than improving on it or using a different path.  :crazy:
Red Bull have jumped ahead by a direction change on what was already a winning chassis. Now sometimes that can prove a disaster rather than a triumph, so hats off to them for forging ahead.  :good:

I just hope teams don't blindly copy this year's RB19, Adrian & co at RBR might pull another rabbit from the hat to stay ahead - or go even further ahead.  :swoon:
Less copying and more original thought should be the mantra.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2023, 02:39:57 PM by John S »
Racing is Life - everything else is just....waiting. (Steve McQueen)

Offline Jericoke

Re: Do rival F1 teams now understand RBR advantage in chassis design?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2023, 05:30:27 PM »
Jeri, I'm not sure money would've solved the gap between RBR and the rest this season, well not til over half way thru at least. It's brain power that created these chassis changes not just money.

The article mentions that even though teams know 'why' the RBR is so good, they don't have budget cap to copy the design.  You're right, if a team gets it 'right' from the start, that's a huge advantage that is hard to overcome, but we have seen that in the past.

Most of the other teams were focused on following Red Bull's 22 concept rather than improving on it or using a different path.  :crazy:
Red Bull have jumped ahead by a direction change on what was already a winning chassis. Now sometimes that can prove a disaster rather than a triumph, so hats off to them for forging ahead.  :good:

I just hope teams don't blindly copy this year's RB19, Adrian & co at RBR might pull another rabbit from the hat to stay ahead - or go even further ahead.  :swoon:
Less copying and more original thought should be the mantra.

We've seen how cars tend to 'sameness' when the rules remain static.  Everyone tries something new, they see what works, what doesn't, and try to make the 'works' ideas fit into their own design.  The current rules are actually quite good that while RBR is dominating, they aren't really light years ahead, but since the modern sport requires consistency, if your car is a little faster, and never breaks down, you'll always win.  We still have 'top', 'midfield' and 'back marker' teams, but on any given day, any car can provide a good result, not like in the past where they had to make rules to exclude cars that were dangerously slow.


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