Not suprised by teams/team principals reactions they've been against any new entrant, & Andretti in particular. Shame really as competition is the life blood of F1, refusing to allow more competitors seems like somehow the soul of F1 is being trashed.
Liberty has been put into a tight spot by FIA, and deservedly so in my opinion. Liberty seems to think they are top dogs & can do whatever they like to milk F1 for more & more income & secure rule changes without regard to the actual owners - FIA - and us fans.
Still think trump card FIA still has to play is the next Concorde agreement, that's if entry not granted and legal action not forthcoming from Andretti.
What's the bet Liberty will find some middle ground settlement between $200m in regs & $600m entry fee teams are demanding, or perhaps fund the 11th place prize money themselves going forward.
This is about money after all - isn't it alway.