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  • Wizzo: :good:
    March 05, 2024, 11:44:46 PM
  • Dare: my chat button is onthe bottom rightWiz
    March 03, 2024, 11:58:24 PM
  • Wizzo: Yes you should see the chat room button at the bottom left of your screen
    March 02, 2024, 11:39:55 PM
  • Open Wheel: Is there a Chat room button or something to access “Race day conversation”
    March 02, 2024, 02:46:02 PM
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Author Topic: Once again 'Tis the season to be generous'.  (Read 24184 times)

Offline John S

Once again 'Tis the season to be generous'.
« on: December 14, 2023, 03:24:52 PM »
A seasonal reminder to GPWizard members to consider a donation to the site. This year it's been hard for everyone with inflation pushing prices ever higher so spare whatever you can to make sure Wizzo can keep the lights on.

He gives us all a great site to hang out on but donations are behind the goal for this year.   :(

To ensure he can keep GPWizard running can I urge fellow members to put something, however small, in the pot before Xmas, or at anytime.

There's a bar on the left hand side of the screen page, just click through and see how easy it is to turn a few quid/bucks/dollars/pesos/euros or whatever into a timely boost for Wizzo.
You can give anonymously if you like, every pound helps. 

Let's show him we care about GPWizard and the home from home it provides to us all - thanks in advance for anyone who helps out.  :good:

Racing is Life - everything else is just....waiting. (Steve McQueen)


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