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Author Topic: Hamilton move to Ferrari  (Read 14076 times)

Offline Dare

Hamilton move to Ferrari
« on: April 02, 2024, 09:19:46 PM »
New talk about Sainz being kicked out of Ferrari. Was it
a mistake by Ferrari? I think Sainz has more to offer  to the
future than Lewis. What's your opinion

Mark Twain once opined, "it's easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."

Offline Jericoke

Re: Hamilton move to Ferrari
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2024, 10:18:24 PM »
I think that the Lewis to Ferrari deal was for the car company/brand more than the race team.

If Lewis retires as a Ferrari driver, especially if he can win a championship with Ferrari (big 'if'), he can be the 'face' of Ferrari for the next 50 years.  He will be a force who can pull in sponsors and young talented drivers unlike anyone else Ferrari could possibly hire.  Lewis will have an active post racing career, both in terms of business ventures and charitable causes.  Having Ferrari associated with those, even footing the bill for those, will be win win for both Lewis's Brand and Ferrari's Brand.

Sure, Carlos is doing a fantastic job, and making the decision look foolish which is putting the race team in a bind.  However, if decision time comes for Carlos, and he's clearly outperforming LeClerc, then Ferrari has shown they're happy to pay someone not to race to make room for champion.  While I expect that LeClerc will pull even with Sainz as the season progresses, if he doesn't, his contract won't keep him in that F1 seat.

In a few years I feel like this will be an interesting footnote in the sport, and the Lewis/Ferrari dynamic that defines the sport amongst casual fans.

Offline Andy B

Re: Hamilton move to Ferrari
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2024, 05:50:32 AM »
LH is not just a driver he brings to a team a lot more than his skills as a driver and with the reported sums that Ferrari are said to be paying they see that too and I'm sure LH is there for the long haul maybe not just as a driver either.
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!

Offline John S

Re: Hamilton move to Ferrari
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2024, 02:17:28 PM »
Always supposed Lewis heading to Ferrari was a marketing coup as far as Maranello is concerned. Whatever the cost of his big wages it's sure to be covered 3 fold, or more, by extra sponsors and sales of Ferrari cars.

Not sure if it matters to Elkann if Lewis beats Charles, or more likely other way round, and dear old Fred also has perfect excuse if things go pear shaped with Lewis in car - decision to sign Hammy was above his pay grade.  :D 

So ditching Sainz is more about income & prestige than obvious competitive evaluations. Mind you looking back over the last 2 years Carlos has not totally stood out as true WDC material, and that's what decision was based on not this season's showing. 

For Hammy himself it's probably more about wounded pride that Daimler-Benz main board wouldn't sign off on a legacy big money ambassadorship role for 5 or 10 years on retirement.
He can sell it how he likes but for me it smacks of an easy throw of the dice to keep high income in his last years in F1 & beyond.

Most GOAT's know it's best to go out at the top of their game, can't help thinking some F1 greats just hang around a bit too long.  :(
Personally I'm not convinced Lewis still has the magic of his glory years any more.   
Racing is Life - everything else is just....waiting. (Steve McQueen)

Offline Dare

Re: Hamilton move to Ferrari
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2024, 06:18:22 PM »
I think Mercedes could have used a little of the
technical advice he's going to bring to Ferrari the
past couple of years now
Mark Twain once opined, "it's easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."

Offline Andy B

Re: Hamilton move to Ferrari
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2024, 09:32:08 PM »
Only time will tell and I'm sure if Merc sort the current car he'll be up there.
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!


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