What was the story behind the pic with you
holding the steering wheel
There's two, one is a 2023 RB steering wheel with Josh Hill who was brilliant the whole three days.
The second is LH's current steering wheel, US$50k worth, the Mercedes team had two tables just in front of ours and once they knew why we were there they included us in just about everything they were doing. It was these guys that let us in to have the shots taken with GR's and LH's cars. The only way I could have got closer to LH's car was to get in it, that would have been a struggle! LOL
I took some 800 photographs which I reduced to just over 400 so you have seen a snapshot of of this fantastic prize, the cost to me? I bought a bottle of water in an airport! It was good to have some text fun with Robem64 who was also there who I had met in Malaysia.
I am waiting for authorisation to post the video taken at the time and as F1 are going to use it as a promotion for further competitions I need to bide my time.