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Author Topic: 2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes  (Read 22507 times)

Offline Jericoke

2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes
« on: July 07, 2024, 07:07:15 PM »

Sir Lewis Hamilton.  It's sometimes easy to see Formula One drivers as inhuman results driven athletes, especially ones who have shown tremendous skill and success.  The idea that a single race win could mean so much to someone like Hamilton reminds us what we really love this sport.  It's thousands of people giving everything they have.  Most of them lose, over and over, and leave the sport for success elsewhere.  But for Hamilton, this is his everything.  He knew that he wasn't done with F1, and yet must surely have been feeling he was also a washed up has-been.  There have been few wins in the history of sport that meant as much as this one, and I'm glad that Hamilton let us all understand that.

Norris did well to finish third despite some mistakes from McLaren.  Winning is a skill, and they're learning

Verstappen really seems to understand he just needs to finish races. Of course he wants to fight and win, but doing so at all costs just isn't required.

Hulkenberg finishing 6th is a surprise, but I'm glad to see Haas making progress

With changeable weather, hard to knock any of the drivers.

However Ferrari is trying to roll the calendar back and made some very bad gambles with LeClerc's race.

Offline Dare

Re: 2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2024, 09:12:04 PM »
I had a feeling if a Mercedes driver won it wasn't
going to be Russel.

Have to give Strong credit for whatever reason he beat

I'd have rather seen Carlos stay at Ferrari than Charles.
Mark Twain once opined, "it's easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."

Offline rmassart

Re: 2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2024, 06:01:47 AM »
Hero: Hamilton for admitting he is still not fully over what happened in 2021. I don't blame him. And nevermind him, I'm not over that yet, god knows how he will ever get over it!

Also, whilst at the start of the year I hoped his move was as inspired as is his move to Mercedes a decade ago, now I worry that it will turn out to be a poor choice. Ferrari seem to be going backwards again, whereas Mercedes are not far off the top again. I wonder if Hamilton has an "undo" clause?!?

Offline Andy B

Re: 2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 09:37:36 AM »
I'm a Lewis fan so him getting the win was very pleasing for me and justifies his GOAT status, 9 wins at a single circuit too, 104 wins, 150 podiums and 8 7 World Titles. I'm looking forward to seeing him in red!

I too believe CS should be staying at Ferrari.

How long has SP got before RB send him packing.

Will LS be around after the summer break.

Is DR improving?
I'm not convinced!

LL to RB?

CS to Mercedes?

VB to Williams?
Once you have retired every day is a Saturday!

Offline Willy

Re: 2024 British Grand Prix Heroes and Zeroes
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2024, 08:02:55 PM »
Being a die hard Lewis fan I was thrilled he was able to win at Silverstone and not at the expense of RB or Macca like George did in Austria.
An emotional win for sure and I as well will never be over the way 2021 worked out.
I don't give a damn what Max does with the rest of his career, in 2021 he showed his true colours as a dirty racer and I for one will never support him or any team he races for.

The English summer weather....there is a reason the British Isles are so green.

Mclaren did a fine job again and Lando is gaining more experience each race and his time will come.

Has Perez forgotten how to drive the RB?

What are Ferrari doing?  They seem to have a revolving door on the strategy office as it is far from consistent.


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