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Wry vid to emphasis Haas F1 embarrassment at Dutch GP


John S:

Such a crazy situation (of course, isn't crazy situations what defines Haas?)  They're required to repay the sponsorship, but it's illegal to release funds to the people they owe money to.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I would suggest a third option is for the funds, that Haas isn't entitled to (and seems to have available), and Uralakali is suspended from receiving (if the Mazepins are so rich, do they really need it?) there may be an agreeable charity that could use the money.  It would be a good look on both sides, and I'm sure they could find an organization (say the FIA foundation?  An anti drunk driving charity?)

Preferably Ukrainian humanitarian relief.

 :good: :good: :good:


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