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Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday Ian.
Best Wishes.....Stig

Cheers Stig.  :good:

Happy Birthday, Ian.  Hope it's a good one!

In the words of the great American philosophers Bill & Ted, "Party on, Dude!":yahoo:


Happy Birthday Ian, as the oldest member on the site you've undoubtedly earned the official title of GPWizard Silver Surfer 2007!

Congratulations!  :DD  :tease:

 :good: I thank you gentlemen very much. " Silver surfer " ? Yees, I can live with that Wizard, used to love the Silver Surfer comics when I was a kid. Funnily enough a few years ago in the pub I used to use, when we were pi**ed we used to have surfing competitions on a sheet of polythene, bloody hilarious it was too.


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