GPWizard > GPWizard News & Announcements

Forum upgrade



Hi all,

Please be patient while I upgrade the forum with the latest updates, this will enable me to enhance features and improve security.

You may see some strange things over the next few days, but I hope you agree that this is better than closing the site down whilst I complete the necessary maintenance works.

Many thanks


Much better Wizard, I'd be lost without me old GPWizard to amuse me. I did wonder what was going on tho' when I logged on just now.  :good:

I've been seeing strange things since the sixties! Thanks for the upgrades, Wizard. We all appreciate your hard work. :good:


OK Guys, the hard work is done and I'm sorry things disappeared for half an hour or so but it couldn't be helped. We are now completely up-to-date with the latest software and this should ensure things run smoothly for the foreseeable future.

I am still working on a re-branding project which will mean new logo's and colours etc, I'm not sure when this part will come about but hopefully it will be soon.

In the meantime if you have any problems or questions with the site then please let me know.




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