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What you doing 'ere?
OK guys it's time for another one of my horrible surveys.
You all have 8 votes to let me know what you like (and dislike) about GPWizard. You can spread your votes in any way you like and hopefully at the end I will have a good understanding as to why you lot keep hanging around. ;)
As always I am open to ANY suggestions on how you think the site could be improved so just post them below. Also, if you have seen something you like on other forums and you think it would be good here then let me know.
Thanks for your help guys, I'm always trying to make your stay here a pleasant one.
Keep your seatbelt firmly fastened throughout your visit in case of unforseen turbulance and you may unlock your tray table to aid in your work here........
Sorry I couldn't help that one Wiz....
So what happens if you like EVERYTHING here.......????
The only possible addition I would like to see is perhaps someway of knowing that people are in the chat room without having to load it.....
Keep up the amazing work on this OUTSTANDING website mate.... :good:
Cheers for the kind remarks Rom (I've told you before I have no influence over Lord Dare ::))
Your wish is my command, if you look to your left you will see who is in the chat room and this is automatically refreshed when you change pages.
:yahoo: Works perfectly.... as I expected..... thank you very much for that mate
Rom :good: :yahoo:
--- Quote from: GPWizard on October 11, 2007, 04:55:32 PM ---Your wish is my command, if you look to your left you will see who is in the chat room and this is automatically refreshed when you change pages.
--- End quote ---
Well done, Wiz!
It's a great site. Needless to say, I really like the pix!
The only fault I can find is that Rom does far too well in the Grid Game! :crazy: I think he has secret Ferrari info!
Thanks again for giving us all a place to hang out.
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