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Author Topic: Chance for British youngsters  (Read 5615 times)

Offline Wizzo

Chance for British youngsters
« on: March 06, 2006, 05:31:29 PM »
There is an exciting new opportunity for a young British racing driver to race in the United States thanks to the efforts of GT racer Tim Sugden. Sugden currently runs the website, aiming to help youngsters on their road to the top.

He has now negotiated a Scholarship for 2006 and 2007 which will allow the winner to compete in the prestigious Skip Barber Eastern Regional race series, at some of America's most famous tracks. The winner will also receive two days of instruction at Skip Barber's advanced racing course at either Sebring International Raceway in Florida or Laguna Seca in California.

"The winner of the Scholarship has the opportunity of a lifetime," says Sugden. "To go and race in America, at some of the most prestigious tracks in the world, for the best racing school in the world, is something worth fighting for."

The final of the 2005-2006 scholarship takes place at Croft on March 10 with the winner heading for the US in April to prepare for the opening of the Skip Barber Eastern Regional Series at Virginia International Raceway on May 6.

Interested anybody?  ;D

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GPWizard F1 Forum

Offline vanquish89

Re: Chance for British youngsters
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 06:05:00 PM »
not only would my parents not supply me with the go kart but now they have refused me the entrance fee to this! how rude!
vanquish89.... :D


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