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What's your favorite Car movie?

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   Have to agree Cosworth on Driven,not only
   one of the worse car movies ever made,but
   one of the worse movies ever made.

   Winning with Paul Newman is fairly good
   with some excellent race footage.

   Still waiting for a Wizard review of Grand Prix :yahoo:


I haven't got round to watching it yet  :( I cheated and watched the first 15 minutes or so which made it worse and now I REALLY want to watch it.

The trouble I have is finding a couple of hours on my own!  ::)

After this bit of advice it will be clear to the world why i am still single......Wizard, mate you gotta send the little missus out shopping for groceries and let her shop for a new pair of shoes, by my estimation that should get you at least 2-3 hours..........that's just for the shoes :P


The bad news is she can't drive so I have to accompany her on every shopping trip  :'( oh my god, my life's such a mess!  ::)

The funny thing is, she suggested watching a film at the weekend. I suggest what about Grand Prix that you bought me for Christmas?  :)
You've watched it she replies
WHAT!?  :o I watched 15 minutes of it before you dragged me away to do some odd job.  >:(
Oh, well we don't want to watch that now, what else is there.

So I made her watch Snakes on a Plane - bad film but she hates snakes - so it's not all bad.  :D

A new movie for this list..........Talledega Nights..........I just love that movie........ :DD



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