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Author Topic: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010  (Read 2485 times)

Offline Scott

Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« on: September 14, 2009, 04:19:42 PM »
Waaa, waaa.  What's all the crying about.  Ferrari and Toyota both have the money to figure it out without tossing out the freeze, but maybe not the brains?  I don't like it.  Allowing all but one team to tune up their engines because they can't figure out what the other one has done is dangerous.  Who's to say they don't over tune it and then tune it down again so it matches the Merc.  Then, a few races down the road, they somehow find a few more horses, and then a few more.  First it was just Renault, now it's Toyota and Ferrari as well?  Naw, figure it out for yourselves.  If you lose a couple of championships in the mean time, it's nobody's fault but their own.

Rival F1 engine manufacturers could be permitted to catch up with the sport's pacesetter Mercedes.

It is clear that Mercedes, supplier of the McLaren, Brawn and Force India teams, possesses what is currently the best engine in the field.

Engine development was recently frozen to cut costs, but in the areas where some work is still allowed, it is obvious that Mercedes has done the best job and drawn clear.

Renault was permitted by the FIA last winter to catch up with the engine pace, and it is now believed that it is the Toyota V8 on the bottom of the pile.

Ferrari team boss Stefano Domenicali admitted after Sunday's Italian GP that the issue of a temporary 'de-freeze' for lagging engine makers is once again a topic of conversation.

"This is for sure something that we will be discussing in the engine working group because today we have seen a really great performance from the Mercedes engine and before we make a final decision we have to see the numbers connected to that.

"It is a point that is on the table to discuss among the teams, as it is something that we need to understand," he added.

The Honey Badger doesn't give a...

Offline Jericoke

Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 04:50:21 PM »
Pretty clear to me.  The choices are a spec engine, or a regulated formula.

I don't want to see a spec engine.

I don't see the problem in limiting the teams to 18,000 RPM (or whatever) and then letting them do whatever they want.  Renault is already spending money on design work, Ferrari and Toyota are requesting to do it.  I'm guessing that Merc would be happy to as well.

It might be interesting, actually, with the 8 engine limit.  Teams would baby their early engines so they could have the latest and greatest for the end of the season.  However, without testing, who's to say the latest and greatest will even do the job?

Offline lkjohnson1950

Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 09:15:30 PM »
I agree. Keep the 18K rev limit, but open the doors to other work. Heck I would love to see a V10 or V12 in the field. They all sound too much alike now.



  • Guest
Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 10:00:36 PM »
I agree. Keep the 18K rev limit, but open the doors to other work. Heck I would love to see a V10 or V12 in the field. They all sound too much alike now.


I agree Lonny, it would be great to see different configurations and a bit of design freedom allowed to the engine manufactures.

Online Dare

Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2009, 03:02:05 AM »
bring back the 10 cylinders

I'd rather hear the ear piercing scream as
to hear the angels sing
Mark Twain once opined, "it's easier to con someone than to convince them they've been conned."

Offline cosworth151

Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2009, 01:13:10 PM »
That's right, Lonny. Let them bring out the V-10's and V-12's. Like you say, it was great to recognise the cars by their sounds before they came int view.  Under the old rules, even the failures were magnificent! Remember the BRM H-16?
“You can search the world over for the finer things, but you won't find a match for the American road and the creatures that live on it.”
― Bob Dylan

Offline lkjohnson1950

Re: Engine freeze might thaw for 2010
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2009, 01:16:36 AM »
Yes I do!! The final version was actually a pretty good motor, but by that time Cosworth had changed the rules. The DFV was an incredible design.



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