There's no doubt that Max is a very talented race car driver. Not making mistakes is certainly an underrated aspect of that. (Look at Sargent and Stroll, I feel like they only make mistakes this year).
Now, it's also worth noting that most mistakes come from pressure. We've seen Sebastian Vettel's Achilles heel was driving under pressure. Lewis Hamilton has his share of crashes caused by mistakes under high pressure. In 2021, when Max was under pressure he was making his fair share of mistakes, plus a few more from his youthful impetuousness. In 2022 and especially 2023, he doesn't have that pressure, so the pressure borne mistakes aren't going to show up. Part of being in the right car at the right time.
Similarly, Red Bull isn't making mistakes. There's a lot of people, a lot of moving parts (literally and figuratively) so the entire team has done a spectacular job. Max deserves the credit. Newey deserves the credit, but so does Horner for running the whole thing.