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Author Topic: Monaco moving to June  (Read 1369 times)

Offline Jericoke

Monaco moving to June
« on: November 18, 2024, 05:10:31 PM »

F1 is fixing up the calendar, and part of Monaco's renewal until 2031 is moving the date to June.  They plan to have all European races run contiguously, so no jaunt over to Montreal in the middle (Montreal will be moved ahead)

Monaco is often run the same weekend as the Indy 500, so that won't happen any more.  I wonder if F1 will become more involved with Indy (McLaren runs a team at the 500, and Alonso ran there a few times during his time away from F1)

I don't want to see the 500 return as a part of the championship, but it would be nice to see the Indy 500 resume its place as a race for the best of the best.  (With all due respect to the IRL racers)

Offline cosworth151

Re: Monaco moving to June
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2024, 07:33:51 PM »
Autoweek is speculating that Montreal will move to the 3rd or 4th weekend in May to pair it up with Miami. Having it the same day as the Indy 500 would be an incredibly bad idea.  Montreal is one of the few F1 races on live, free to air network TV here in the States. I doubt any network would broadcast it opposite the 500.
“You can search the world over for the finer things, but you won't find a match for the American road and the creatures that live on it.”
― Bob Dylan

Offline Jericoke

Re: Monaco moving to June
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2024, 07:17:32 PM »
The weekend before Memorial Day is a long weekend in Canada.  Except in Montreal (well, the province of Quebec).  It would be a great weekend to hold the race to get Canadian tourists coming into Montreal.

I really hope that F1 and Indy500 don't step on each other's toes.  Even NASCAR knows better than to mix with the 500.


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